Friday, July 18, 2008

Coachwhip-Red Racer Snake

Was surprised when I found this guy curled up under a bird bath in one our cowbird cages. I figure he was about 6ft. long. Scared the heck out of me since they can be agressive, but not poisonous. He was eventually coaxed out of the cage and went on his way. If allowed to stay in the cage he would have eaten all of the birds.


Jana said...

That's just scary.

Amy, David, Cambria, and Baylen said...

I Would have pee'd my pants!!!!!

Roberta said...

Did 'Red' climb up the wire and drop down from the opening on top or is he skinny enough to slip through the door? It's hard to tell by the picture. Sure is pretty for a snake, but then again I'm not the one caught in a cage with him. Glad you both survived the experience. Mom